Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day of Classes

So today was my first day back at class. It really was pretty uneventful. No big delays or anything. I did have to wait in line for my parking decal and my student ID. Both took less than a 1/2 hour. My first class today was Humanities. I thought this class was going to be kind of hard, but I think now it will be fine. My teacher is completely crazy. I mean he's prolly about 5'6", 350 lbs, about 60 something, and blind as a bat (honestly I don't know how he drives). He started class this morning by eating a huge chunk of chocolate along with his vat of coffee and telling us that he is taking in every calorie he can until he dies so he can give back to the earth what he has taken in. He then proceeds to explain that the class is about the arts and appreciation of them along with some history. I mean seriously this guy looks like a janitor with 300 keys on his belt and all. He definitely does not look the PhD that he is. He also explains that he has terrible astigmatisms in both eyes and though he may be looking at you, he probably really isn't meaning to and that he has no control over which ways his eyes go (see what I mean about the driving???). He was the funniest, most laid back teacher I've ever met. The whole course is essays. He does nothing by the way of multiple choice anything. He believes you have to think to get an "A", go figure.... My hopes are that I will learn all this art stuff and hopefully write a decent essay compared to my 18 yr old counterparts. My second class for today was Sociology. It was canceled due to a family emergency. I now will not start this class for 2 weeks. We shall see how that turns out. So for now all is well. I also have started my online course for Medical Terminology. It's very easy and a complete repeat of med. term. that I took at Ridley Lowell. So hopefully that will be and easy A. I'm still doing well on the WW. I am going to have to find a new meeting time now that school has started. So far all I've found that fits into my schedule is a 7am on Sat. meeting. Don't know 'bout ya'll, but that might be a tough one... we'll see.
I just wanted to give a brief "THANK YOU" shoutout to Kellie and Geoff for letting us crash their yard sale on Sat. The space in the driveway was much appreciated and we were able to make enough to pay for my remaining books, get me and the man some new sneaks, and get the Girl a DVD player for her room. And we still had some to spare. So thanks SOOOO MUCH!!! Despite the heat, it was a great day and we were so glad to be a part of it with you guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Great story about your professor! He sounds like he'll be lots of fun. You never told me who you got for it Donna Rehak? She's sooooo awesome, I hope you got her! Great job with WW, keep it up and find a meeting you like. Mr. Clean goes on Thursday nights in Vestal.