So my Bitter Little Man has tried to get back to work. This really worries me. Ya know when you break your leg or arm or something it usually takes 4-6 wks to heal, maybe even 8 wks, but my husband fractures his back and thinks in 3 almost 4 wks he's ready to go. He worked one day last week and came home early because his back hurt. I told him not to try and rush healing just because he's worried about pleasing his dad or because he's worried about our money situation. The money part is the part I worry about and so far we haven't lost our house or anything. As far as his dad goes, I just don't know why he doesn't tell his dad that his back hurts and it's hard for him to bend still and that he just needs a little more time. Men.... I'm sure he's bored out of his mind being home all this time. I know he wants to get his strength back as quickly as possible. He wants to be ready if the U.S. Marshals call him. I just feel like he's doing more harm than good. But I'm not his Mom so I kind of try to keep my mouth shut.
In other news, I actually got out this weekend with my girlfriends. Thank GOD! It's been nearly a month since seeing them and being able to vent and whatnot. We had a great time and ended up at this quiet little bar just chatting. I truly wouldn't know what to do without my friends. Because of my lack of a real family unit, they ARE my family, my sisters. I confide more in them than my husband or my real life sis. This night out was just the break I needed from the Girl and my Bitter Man. I was a little tired the next day but completely refreshed and ready to be a good wife and mom again. I don't really understand women that are stay at home moms and don't really get out or connect with other women. I just don't know how they do it! I would be out of my mind! I know a SAHM that literally stays home with her 4 children and home schools them and goes to church on Sunday and that's about it. The thought just makes me want to scream.
I have resolved to try harder with my Mom. I'm going to try and get her every other weekend for lunch with us or a trip to the park or something. I have had such a hard time dealing with her being ill/handicapped. It's been many years and I just can't seem to accept it. I still believe that it's possible for her to get better, even though I know she can't. So these remaining years of her life I am going to try. Try to be the daughter I should have been 15 yrs ago. I don't want her to not know her granddaughter or to forget my husband, I want to make her happy and try and bring some light into her life again. So I will begin this coming weekend by getting her and bringing her to my house. I will make her a nice lunch and just let her hang out and watch The Girl and cuddle my kitties (she LOVES animals). Hopefully this will make both of us feel a little bit better.
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