Just wanted to put it out there that I love the Harry Potter movies. I know, I'm 31, what the hell do I see in them. Well I haven't read the books, I just like movies. They're kinda like Star Wars is to my husband. They just are very entertaining. Or maybe it's that I have the mind of a kid. We recently saw the latest one and I just couldn't believe how into I was (not to mention the rest of the theatre). Does this make me a complete freak of some kind?? Hmmmmm
On other not so interesting news, I went to this totally swanky wedding this weekend up in Saratoga Springs. For those of you that don't know, there is crazy money out there. Between the racetracks and SPAC it's all kind of classy, cultural, yet college town and comfortable. It was a really great weekend, but I kind of had a hard time trying to be classy. I wanted to just party it up and be my regular ole country girl self. My in-laws would have LOVED that! I think my husbands side of the family is the most uptight, straight edge, conservative bunch of people I've ever met. The only ones I can get along with are his lesbian cousin and her girlfriend. They are the coolest people. I did meet some of his cousins, mom's side of the family and they were pretty laid back, but still not really the partiers I wanted and needed this weekend. It's not very often at all I get out without my Girl tagging along, much less with my husband.
When we got back from this little getaway, I came home to find a brown lunch bag on my front step. This happens pretty frequently, I have crazy aunts that just leave me little things that they think will mean something to me. Usually it's dollar store crap that breaks the minute I try to actually use it. But this time it actually was something good. My cousins out in Colorado are totally into Mormonism and doing geneology on the family. They video, tape, record just about everything and have looked up the family back to the early 1600s. Anywho, they sent all of the cousins a video they took back in 1990 of my Grandpa's 81st b-day. This video was taken at my house. The home I grew up in and base all my happiest times as a child on. I couldn't help but watch this dvd right away. The beginning it's just my grandpa and whatnot, then it turns into my whole family saying hi to the camera and it pans around my house and then outside at my front yard and our driveway. I saw my life in a totally different way then I saw it back then and it brought me to tears. I just sobbed as I looked at it and realized how really utterly poor we were. I saw all the broken windows, the warped and peeling doors, the old siding on the house that was cracked, the clothesline that had all of our tattered clothes on it. I just couldn't believe that I didn't know it back then how bad off we were. This was just before my mom lost our house and about 3 yrs before she lost her mind. It made me so sad to see her in the video. She just looked , well I can't even really explain it. My husband was great, he just let me watch and cry and then he says "you were happy right?" and the truth is I was unbelievably happy back then. We didn't "have" much, but the love I felt back then was more than anything I could have ever gotten anywhere else.
Aww, Beck that's a wonderful post! Cherish that DVD.
I need to take Doc to see the latest HP movie. This Friday the last book comes out and I'm taking her to Barnes and Noble for the big event. She's stoked.
Hope everyone is healing up at your house.
I, too, am a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I'm also a huge Star Wars fan. I am such a dork! Anyway...you should read the books. They explain so much more than the movies do. Book 7 ROCKS! I'm reading it for the 2nd time with my daughter. Diana
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