Monday, July 27, 2009


I know there are tons of blogs out there that do the celeb gossip thing. I even read a few of them and find them very entertaining. That being said I just don't get celebrities these days. I mean all the "famous" young hollywood, "IT" girls and boys...all they can lay claim to is the fact that they were born into a wealthy family or born unto famous parents. They themselves have done nothing. I mean nothing! I'm speaking of the celebrities like all those kids on the Hills, the Kardashians, the Stewarts and a list of more just like them. I briefly took in a little bit of this show on VH1 about "rebellious celebrity heirs". The majority, if not all of them, have zero actual talent for anything. It drives me crazy that these people are what my daughter will eventually be looking to for style or whatever. It really just makes me sick to my stomach. The Hannah Montana's, Selena Gomez's, and Demi Lovato's that are the up and coming stars and singers at least actually WORK for their money. The don't just go to red carpet events and what not.

I don't know why this has my panties all in a bunch just does. It seems like the people I watched when I was growing up were actual stars, they worked, they played, they donated and they were genuine star material. Maybe that's the problem....I'm just getting old and I don't "get it" anymore! Whateve!

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