Here are the pics of my body. They are not pretty. I warn you all (well all two of you that read anyway) you may be tramatized by the following pics. No there is no nudity. Though my husband while taking the pics kept saying "Ooooooh naked pics!" Which is why I have a stupid ass grin in them. My current weight is 209 lbs. My goal weight is to be around 165 or 170-ish. I have a long way to go, but I'm taking baby steps at this weight thing and I'm really trying to follow what my dietitian advises and keep on top of this thing. I never realized until today that my upper arms have turned into my 65 yr old mother's arms. I mean really. I HAVE DAMN WINGS!!!!! I go to the gym at least 3 days a week if not more and I do use weights. What gives??? I need to start focusing more on these damn upper arms of mine though before I lift off one of these days when strong breeze comes along. Ok without further's the ugly truth about my body.
You are so brave. I took photos like these back in November and I STILL can't look at them without feeling sad/sick/angry.
No matter what shape the package is in, what's in the package is beyond beautiful.
yeah i definitely felt a little sick once i took about reality checks! but it's all good, i'm not going to look like that forever!
I am very proud of you and grateful that you posted pics too so I wouldn't have to be alone anymore :O) I know it has taken me a while to get on here but since I haven't been able to work out I haven't really done anything with my blog or checked yours in a while. I suck, I know!! I can officially start working out again in 4 days though so I won't be far behind you. I so wish I was closer cuz I would go to the gym with you!!
i wish you were closer too!!!! good luck gettin back into the workout routine and keep me posted would ya?
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