Friday, June 20, 2008

Meme stolen from She's a Rebel, She's a Saint

First reaction:Basically, you look at the word and enter the very first reaction that enters your mind. Doesn't matter how many words it takes, just give your reaction to the word.

Beer: mmmm yummy Boddinton's British ale, bitter, creamy, thick love it!

Sex: none lately, hubby to busy and tired go figure...

McDonald: joe and keith: mean boys from my childhood

Relationship: love mine!

Purple: Prince and my daughter

Power Rangers: can't stand them

Steroids: Tim Phoenix another not so nice boy from my childhood

Cartoons: Simpsons, Strawberry Shortcake, Dora

The President: absolute hatred, disgust, and loathing. (i agree with you, GreenT)

Tupperware: *burp* it

Santa Claus: not a huge fan these days

Halloween: MY BIRTDAY!!!

Alice: in Wonderland

Myspace: i have one and i like it most of the time

Clowns: Shriners

Marriage: love it and would never give it up

Paris: a place where i might run into Johnny Depp????

Patty: cake baker's man...

Redheads: bitch!

One night stands: fun, youth, regret

Donald Trump: that stupid combover he's sportin

Neverland: Johnny Depp and of course Peter Pan

Word: to your mother

Vanilla ice cream: needs hot fudge and a brownie

Hooters: boobs and chicken wings

High School Musical: Zac Efron

Pajamas: love mine

Woody: Toy Story

Wet Socks: yuk, yuk, yuk

Reality: sucks

Honey: only in my tea thanks

Andy: my ex fiance

Money: never enough it seems

Butter: love it!

There you have it! Enjoy!

1 comment:


Very cool. My son's birthday is halloween too.