I need a few reminders of why I love my husband this morning. So I thought I would make a list and put them out to the universe just because. Why do I need a reminder this morning? Well because it is/was 6:30am on a Saturday and our puppy was wimpering and he heard Rocky, rolled over and grumbled something so I would get up and take the poor baby out. Mind you, my husband has 2 good legs and is perfectly capable of getting up and letting the dog out....especially on a SATURDAY morning.
Here's my list in no particular order:
He is my Bitter Little Man.
He has more integrity than a lot of men have in their pinky finger.
He is completely adorable.
He loves me whether I'm showered or not. (some days this is a biggy)
He knows how to treat me so I feel loved and respected.
He is good to his Mom.

He loves my cooking and will eat it, even though the dog won't even eat some of the stuff I screw up.
He supports his family fully and never ever makes me feel like I could/should do more.
He doesn't get mad because I need to go out on Friday nights with my girls, flirt with much younger boys, and drink prolly a little to much.
He is my rock and I wouldn't know how to be me with out him.
OK....I'm feeling better now. Thank you universe for letting me get that out there. ;)