Saturday, June 21, 2008


I need a few reminders of why I love my husband this morning. So I thought I would make a list and put them out to the universe just because. Why do I need a reminder this morning? Well because it is/was 6:30am on a Saturday and our puppy was wimpering and he heard Rocky, rolled over and grumbled something so I would get up and take the poor baby out. Mind you, my husband has 2 good legs and is perfectly capable of getting up and letting the dog out....especially on a SATURDAY morning.

Here's my list in no particular order:

He is my Bitter Little Man.

He is a WONDERFUL father.

He has more integrity than a lot of men have in their pinky finger.

He is completely adorable.

He loves me whether I'm showered or not. (some days this is a biggy)

He knows how to treat me so I feel loved and respected.

He is good to his Mom.

He is strong.

He loves my cooking and will eat it, even though the dog won't even eat some of the stuff I screw up.

He supports his family fully and never ever makes me feel like I could/should do more.

He doesn't get mad because I need to go out on Friday nights with my girls, flirt with much younger boys, and drink prolly a little to much.

(sorry about that finger!)

He understands that my family is crazy and he still loves them.

He is my rock and I wouldn't know how to be me with out him.

OK....I'm feeling better now. Thank you universe for letting me get that out there. ;)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Meme stolen from She's a Rebel, She's a Saint

First reaction:Basically, you look at the word and enter the very first reaction that enters your mind. Doesn't matter how many words it takes, just give your reaction to the word.

Beer: mmmm yummy Boddinton's British ale, bitter, creamy, thick love it!

Sex: none lately, hubby to busy and tired go figure...

McDonald: joe and keith: mean boys from my childhood

Relationship: love mine!

Purple: Prince and my daughter

Power Rangers: can't stand them

Steroids: Tim Phoenix another not so nice boy from my childhood

Cartoons: Simpsons, Strawberry Shortcake, Dora

The President: absolute hatred, disgust, and loathing. (i agree with you, GreenT)

Tupperware: *burp* it

Santa Claus: not a huge fan these days

Halloween: MY BIRTDAY!!!

Alice: in Wonderland

Myspace: i have one and i like it most of the time

Clowns: Shriners

Marriage: love it and would never give it up

Paris: a place where i might run into Johnny Depp????

Patty: cake baker's man...

Redheads: bitch!

One night stands: fun, youth, regret

Donald Trump: that stupid combover he's sportin

Neverland: Johnny Depp and of course Peter Pan

Word: to your mother

Vanilla ice cream: needs hot fudge and a brownie

Hooters: boobs and chicken wings

High School Musical: Zac Efron

Pajamas: love mine

Woody: Toy Story

Wet Socks: yuk, yuk, yuk

Reality: sucks

Honey: only in my tea thanks

Andy: my ex fiance

Money: never enough it seems

Butter: love it!

There you have it! Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Common Interests

So today I logged onto a few of my favorite blogs and realized there are a LOT of moms like me out there. Moms with one, two, three or four kids that are still hip, cool, with it, or whatever the lingo of the moment is. I guess sometimes I feel like I'm the only Mom in America that refuses to give up the things I LOVE for my child. Like I refuse to give up my time with my girlfriends on the weekends (usually just friday night for a bit). I refuse to give up the music I like to listen to and listen to KIDZ BOP or Disney or whatever all day everyday. I also refuse to give up MY time. Like the 2 hours a day I get while my child is in preschool. I NEED that time. What brought this on you might ask? Well Ree over is doing a Zune Giveaway and asks what concerts her readers have seen in their lives. I have been to a LOT of concerts in the last 18 yrs or so. I was a hair band groupie (or wannabe at least). I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing live shows. This is one thing that I did give up when I became a parent. Most of the concerts I would like to see now are hours away these days and it's hard to find a sitter or save the money up to travel or whatever not to mention finding people to go with me is getting harder and harder these days. It was fun to read a bunch of her readers comments about the concerts they have been to and why these women don't follow their favorite band anymore. I realized that there is a whole bunch of cool chics out there that are in the same boat. Trying to stay cool while being stay at home moms (that's what the majority seemed to be). My point I guess is that I don't feel like an oddball now because I realize that there are a lot of Moms out there that are cool, hip chics that manage to hold down the fort while maintaining the things that are important to them. Now don't get me wrong, concerts, music, and girlfriend time are not the only important things to me, but they are the top ones that keep me sane from day to day. I guess I need to start planning a concert trip or something!!! Anyone upfor the Virgin Festival in August???