Hello all! Well today was my first weigh in after starting the Weight Watchers program. I have lost 2 lbs. in a week. I thought maybe 3,but alas it was only 2. It's ok though I am very happy with those 2 lbs. I found I really liked the way the system worked over this last week. It didn't limit me at all and having to weigh in tonight made me try extra hard the last couple of days. I walked 2 times this week on our "rail trail". It's 4.2 miles long and a very nice walk. I've gone with my friend, Amy,and it's really been a good time. She is also my WW buddy, so we talk about what we ate, or shouldn't have eaten and compare tips about what curbs cravings not to mention we just talk. Usually we just hang out over beers at the bar and the conversations are easily forgotten. So this has been really nice. I'm hoping to get another walk or 2 in next week and maybe I'll start doing my yoga again. I have the time, I should be doing this stuff anyways.
On other news, The Girl got the all clear from her doctor. This was cause for celebration so we bought her a new bike. We had told her when she first got hurt that if she took it easy and did what the DR said that we would buy her a "big girl bike". So yesterday we went out and looked at bikes. She b-lined for this purple, princess covered bike. It has sparkles, flowers, a handlebar pack, and a waterbottle. I told her look carefully and weigh all her options to make sure this was the one she really wanted. She didn't even blink. This was THE bike. So The Girl is now the proud owner of one Princess Big Girl Bike. She rides so well. I'll have to take a pic and put it up for you guys. She's so stinkin cute! Well that's about all for now. Hope your all having a good week. It's almost FRIDAY!
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